218 | Seeing Blue


March 2018 update :

So, I wasn't quite satisfied with this artwork I made in 2016 so i decided to recolor it and here's the new version. For a little background info ; during my last college course, we discussed the topic of Afrofuturism (and I even drew a 20 pages comic as my last assignment). We read about the Drexciyan, which are, broadly, aquatic creatures born from the bodies of Black slaves who jumped off ship. Of course my artwork isn't as dramatic but this story was the starting point.

217 | Winter is coming

A poster of a little project I was planning a couple months ago about a Game of Thrones spoof. It's no longer happening but I like the visuals (I'd been using it as my phone wallpaper for a while).

Also, thanks so much to everyone who came to

Nocturnal Rhythm II

last Friday to see my exhibition and bought some posters and cards from the artworks on this site. It was a great experience and I can't wait to do something like that again !

215 | Les Princes

...to be continued / à suivre...

Excited ? Well, the rest will be published alongside other short stories in Projet 17 Mai volume 2.

La suite qui sera publiée dans le Tome 2 du Projet 17 Mai contre les LGBTphobies!


To know more about Projet 17 Mai / Pour en savoir plus sur Projet 17 Mai : Facebook

To donate and help fund the second book / Pour participer à la campagne Ulule pour financer le volume 2 : Ulule

To read my short published in the first book, and all the other stories / Pour lire ma participation au tome 1 (et toutes les autres) :  : Projet17mai.com

214 | The Cuckoo's Calling

Hey everyone !

So I had just finished Robert Galbraith's (aka JK Rowling) The Cuckoo's Calling and I immediately decided to draw the characters (and bought the sequel, The Silkworm). Because I felt like it was obviously going to be turned into a movie, I decided to draw these fan arts as potential movie posters (it's actually going to become a BBC miniseries). I especially like the one with Robin (inspired by a picture of Emma Watson). Hope you like it and if you haven't read them, go do it stat !

Salut à tous,

Après avoir terminé The Cuckoo's Calling de Robert Galbraith (alias J.K. Rowling), j'ai eu envie de dessiner les personnages, puis de faire de ces fan-arts des affiches d'une potentielle adaptation cinématographique. J'aime tout particulièrement celui de Robin Ellacott (je me suis inspiré d'une photo d'Emma Watson). Si vous avez lu les aventures de Cormoran Strike, j'attends votre avis! Sinon, qu'est-ce que vous attendez, allez-y !!

213 | Ephemeral

Hey everyone!

It's the first comic I've drawn in 2014 (it was a complicated year) so it's a little rough around the edges. I had the idea a while ago, it was inspired by the theme of the annual Comics Contest at the University ("Ephémère"). I didn't submit anything, but I decided to still draw a story, and here it is. It's the longest and most complex short story I've published so far so I think it can get a little confusing, but I still like the result and I'll probably do something similar sometime soon.

Anyway, I hope you liked it!

Salut à tous!

C'est la première bédé que je dessine en 2014 (pour diverses raisons) donc j'y vois certains problèmes, mais j'en suis content quand même.

Un peu de contexte : "Ephémère" était le thème du concours de bédé interuniversitaire de l'an dernier. Je n'y ai pas participé mais j'ai quand même eu cette idée et j'ai décidé de la dessiner quand même, pour moi (avec du coup moins de contraintes). C'est la nouvelle la plus longue et complexe que j'ai publié jusqu'ici, d'où quelques petits problèmes, mais j'en suis content quand même, et j'en referai sans doute une du genre!

J'espère que vous avez aimé !

210 | Le Café

If you look closely, you'll notice that most of the characters depicted in the "Collection" artworks are action heroes. Whether it's their ultra-dynamic position (like Bass ! Yeah ! Riff ! Boom) or a sense of danger and adventure surrounding them (like Jungle Gingers Explorers), they never seem to just stand still. So it was pretty refreshing, yet challenging, to draw something as low-key as this artwork, even if it's a quite simple one. In the beginning, I was only planning to draw the young couple but after I added the windows, I thought it would be a good idea to show their older selves (I guess it says something about me that my idea of improving an artwork is to show an happy couple splitting up).

Cette illustration est pas mal différente de ce que je fais d'habitude dans la Collection, qui présente en général des personnages ultra-dynamiques. C'était donc plutôt rafraîchissant, même si moins facile que prévu, de raconter cette histoire. Au départ, je n'avais prévu que de dessiner la rencontre du couple, à la terrasse de ce café, puis, après avoir dessiné les fenêtres pour décorer, ai trouvé plus intéressant de les utiliser pour montrer la suite. Pour être franc, je n'avais pas particulièrement l'intention de séparer le couple, mais c'était beaucoup plus facile à représenter vu qu'il y avait deux fenêtres, et finalement je trouve ça plus intéressant.

Tell me what you think while I start thinking about the next post !